Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

There has been a significant development in the world of sustainable food production with the United States’ approval of lab-grown meat, specifically cell-cultivated chicken, by two California-based companies.Two California-based companies, Good Meat, and Upside Foods received U.S. government approval to produce and sell the ‘cell-cultivated chicken’.Lab-grown meat, officially known as cell-cultivated meat, refers to meat that is grown in a laboratory setting using isolated cells derived from animals.These cells are provided with the necessary resources, such as nutrients and a suitable environment, to replicate and grow into edible meat.The process typically takes place in bioreactors, specialized containers designed to support the cellular cultivation process.The first country to approve the sale of alternative meat was Singapore in 2020.

Cell-Cultivated Chicken

  • Cell-cultivated chicken refers to chicken meat grown in a laboratory setting using isolated cells that have the resources needed for growth and replication.
  • Bioreactors, specialized containers designed to support a specific biological environment, are commonly used to facilitate the cultivation process.
  • Once the cells reach a sufficient number, they are processed, often with additives, to enhance texture and appearance, and prepared for consumption.

Cell-Cultivation Technique Significant for Meat Production

Climate Mitigation

  • Lab-grown meat offers a potential solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with livestock production.
  • According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), livestock production contributes about 14.5% of global anthropogenic GHG emissions, mainly in the form of methane and nitrous oxide.

Land Use Efficiency

  • Cell-cultivated meat requires significantly less land compared to traditional meat production methods.
  • A 2021 report estimated that lab-cultivated meat would use 63% less land in the case of chicken and 72% in the case of pork.

Animal Welfare

  • The development of cell-cultivated meat aims to minimize the need for animal slaughter.
  • By producing meat directly from cells, cultivated meat offers the possibility of reducing animal suffering and improving animal welfare standards.

Food Security and Nutrition

  • Lab-grown meat has the potential to address future food security needs.
  • Cell-cultivated meat can be tailored to be healthier and meet specific dietary requirements such as being designed to contain less fat.
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