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Coal Ministry announces Commencement of Star Rating Registration process for Coal and Lignite Mines for FY 2022-23

In order to foster competitiveness among mines and recognize their outstanding performance based on compliance of statutory provisions, adoption of advanced mining technology and economic achievements, the Ministry of Coal announces the commencement of Star Rating Registration process of Coal and Lignite Mines for the financial year 2022-23.The Star Rating policy aims to evaluate mines based on various factors across seven key parameters namely, Mining Operations, Environment-related parameters, Adoption of Technologies, Best Mining Practices, Economic performance, Rehabilitation & Resettlement, Worker-related Compliance and Safety & security.

Participating mines will undergo a self-evaluation process, and the top 10% performing mines will be further validated through inspections conducted by a committee.While the remaining 90% of the mines will undergo an online review process, all participants can contribute to the evaluation by reviewing other mines.

The evaluation will be conducted by the Coal Controller’s Organization.The ratings awarded range from Five Star to NO Star, comprehensively evaluating each mine’s achievements.It aims to foster competitiveness among mines and recognize their outstanding performance based on compliance of statutory provisions, adoption of advanced mining technology and economic achievements.


The Star Rating policy aims to evaluate mines based on various factors across seven key parameters namely

  1. Mining Operations,
  2. Environment-related parameters,
  3. Adoption of Technologies,
  4. Best Mining Practices,
  5. Economic performance,
  6. Rehabilitation & Resettlement,
  7. Worker-related Compliance and Safety & security.


Distribution of Coal in India

Gondwana Coal Fields (250 million years old)

Tertiary Coal Fields (15 – 60 million years old)

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