Mon. Mar 24th, 2025


Daily Quiz

1 / 10

Q1. For the months of January to March 2024, the interest rate on three-year fixed deposits was increased by 10 basis points to how much?

2 / 10

Q2. Government has distributed around 1.25 crore property cards under the SVAMITVA Scheme. In which year was this scheme launched?

3 / 10

Q3. PM Modi inaugurated Maharshi Valmiki Airport at which place?

4 / 10

Q4. Which state government has decided to reduce the qualifying age for old-age pension for tribals and Dalits to 50 years in December 2023?

5 / 10

Q5. Exercise Desert Cyclone started on 02 January 2024 in Rajasthan. It is a joint military exercise between India and _______.

6 / 10

Q6. Which phase of Sagar Parikrama started from Chennai Port on 01 January 2024?

7 / 10

Q7. Which of the following statements is correct about the PSLV-C58 X-ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat) mission?

  1. It will study X-ray polarisation and its cosmic sources such as black holes and neutron stars.
  2. XpoSat mission comprises two payloads including the Indian X-ray Polarimeter (POLIX) and X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing (XSPECT).

Which of the above statement/statements are correct?

8 / 10

Q8. Who has been appointed as chairman of the sixteenth Finance Commission?

9 / 10

Q9. Which foundation day did DRDO celebrate in 2024?

10 / 10

Q10. Match list i and list ii select the correct answer by using the code give:

List-I                                                                                           List-II

(A) Air Droppable Container 'ADC-150'                                   1. Odisha Coast

(B) Agni Prime Ballistic Missile                                                 2. Goa Beach

(C) 'Autonomous Flying Wing Technology Demonstrator'        3. ISRO

(D) PSLV-C58 X-ray Polarimeter Satellite                                4. DRDO

Based on the above list, select the correct answer using the given code?


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