Fri. Mar 21st, 2025 9:00:23 AM

The Government of India has launched the Mutual Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MCGS-MSME) with the objective of addressing the credit crunch and boosting the growth of the manufacturing sector.

Mutual Credit Guarantee Scheme


  • The scheme provides 60% guarantee coverage by the National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Limited (NCGTC).
  • Member Lending Institutions (MLIs) will be given guarantee for credit facility up to Rs 100 crore.
  • This assistance will be given to eligible MSMEs for purchasing equipment/machinery.

Role of Manufacturing Sector in MSME Sector

  • Manufacturing sector plays a vital role in the MSME landscape.
  • The sector provides employment to 3 million (2.73 crore) workers.


  • Eligibility: Borrower should be an MSME with a valid Udyam Registration Number.

Loan Amount:

  • Maximum loan amount up to ₹100 crore will be guaranteed.
  • Total project cost can exceed ₹100 crore.

Minimum Cost of Equipment/Machinery:

  • At least 75% of the project cost should be on equipment/machinery.

Loan Repayment Tenure:

  • Repayment tenure up to ₹50 crore with up to 8 years moratorium.
  • Longer repayment tenure and moratorium may be allowed for loans above ₹50 crore.
  • Initial contribution: 5% of the loan amount will be mandatory to be deposited at the time of guarantee cover application.

Annual guarantee fee

  • Nil in the first year of loan sanction.
  • 5% per annum for the next 3 years (based on the loan balance as on March 31).
  • 1% per annum thereafter (based on the loan balance as on March 31).
  • Timeline of the scheme: The scheme will be in force for 4 years or till total guarantees of ₹7 lakh crore are issued, whichever is earlier.

Key impacts

  • Contribution of manufacturing sector: The manufacturing sector currently contributes 17% to India’s GDP. It employs more than 3 million (2.73 crore) workers.
  • ‘Make in India, Make for the World’ initiative: The Prime Minister has given a call to Make in India, Make for the World.
  • Government aims to increase the contribution of manufacturing sector to 25%.
  • Support to MSME sector: Easy credit will be made available to the MSME sector through the Mutual Credit Guarantee Scheme (MCGS-MSME). It will encourage the purchase of plant, machinery and equipment.
  • Boost Indian manufacturing: This scheme will strengthen the Make in India campaign and give impetus to the manufacturing sector of the country.

Other steps to make access to credit easy for MSMEs

  • Credit Guarantee Fund Trust (CGTMSE): Establishment of Credit Guarantee Fund Trust to provide collateral-free loans to micro and small enterprises (MSEs).
  • RAMP (Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance) programme: Investment of ₹6,000 crore for the development of MSME sector. Focus on improving the performance of MSMEs over a period of 5 years.
  • Priority Sector Lending (PSL) norms: All bank loans given to MSMEs come under priority sector lending. This provides cheap and easy loans to MSMEs.


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