Fri. May 3rd, 2024
  • Marathi actor Ravindra Mahajani has passed away at the age of 77, known for his notable contributions to Marathi cinema, had established himself as a respected actor and director. With a career spanning several decades, he had worked in numerous films and theater productions, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.
  • His performances in movies like Mumbaicha Faujdar, Aram Haram Ahe, Zoonj, and Bolo He Chakradhari garnered critical acclaim and earned him a dedicated fan base.
  • His son Gashmeer Mahajani is also an actor and best known for his work in Marathi cinema.
  • Ravindra Mahajani (1946 – July 2023) was a Marathi actor and director. From the late seventies to the mid eighties, Mahajani featured in Marathi films. In his early career, Mahajani drove taxis and auditioned for films. He created Marathi films until 1987–1988.


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