Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025 1:33:41 PM

Social activist and Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Medha Patkar has urged West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to agree on sharing of Teesta river waters with Bangladesh. Sharing of waters of the Teesta river, which originates in the Himalayas and flows through Sikkim and West Bengal to join the Brahmaputra, is the most contentious issue between India and Bangladesh.

Importance of Teesta River for Bangladesh

  • This river covers almost the entire floodplain of Sikkim, while 2,800 square kilometer area of Bangladesh remains unaffected (dry) by the waters of this river, thereby controlling the lives of thousands of people.

Importance of Teesta River for West Bengal

  • Teesta River is very important for West Bengal, it is considered the lifeline of about half a dozen districts of North Bengal.

Why is there Teesta Water Treaty between India and Bangladesh

  • After separation from Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh once again raised the issue of sharing of Teesta river water. After this, India-Bangladesh Joint River Commission was formed in the year 1972.
  • After the agreement on Ganga water in 1996, the demand for sharing of Teesta water again gained momentum and since then this issue has been in continuous controversy.
  • In the year 1983, an agreement was reached regarding sharing of Teesta waters. After which Bangladesh got 36 percent and India got 39 percent right to use Teesta water. But the remaining 25 percent could not be allocated.
  • After the Ganga Agreement, a joint committee of experts was formed for other rivers.
  • Giving importance to Teesta, this committee prepared a draft on the agreement in the year 2000.
  • In the year 2010, Bangladesh and India gave final approval to this draft.
  • In the year 2011, the then PM Dr. Manmohan Singh was about to sign the Teesta Agreement during his visit to Bangladesh. But it was postponed after Mamata Banerjee expressed opposition.
  • The average annual water flow of Teesta River is about 60 billion cubic meters (BCM). This river has high water flow between June and September.

Importance of Teesta River

  • The average annual water flow of Teesta River is about 60 billion cubic meters (BCM). This river has high water flow between June and September.
  • The importance of flow and seasonal variation of this river is felt during the low rainy season (from October to April/May) as the average flow is about 500 million cubic meters (MCM) per month.
  • This river floods during monsoon and dries up during dry periods.
  • In view of the following circumstances, the Chief Minister of West Bengal in 2011 opposed an arrangement under which India would get 42.5% of the water and Bangladesh 37.5% during the lean season, hence the Teesta Water Treaty was given no importance.


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